The overarching objective is to improve the education and competences in dietetics, in line with the 2013 Communication on Opening Up Education strategy and in line with the 2011 EU modernisation Agenda`s priority areas.
The listed goals are the single components to succeed in achieving the strategic goals:
- unify the framework Dietetic Care Process (DCP)
- produce a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), free for use
- implement two Intensive Study Programs (ISP) to test the MOOC and evaluate the materials
- set up a syllabus and implementation guidelines to disseminate the results
- improving quality and relevance of dietetic higher education in Europe
- improving key competences including English language, digital competences, knowledge and understanding of dietetics, dietetic process as well as professional reasoning
- building professional relationships, autonomy and accountability
- research and development in dietetics and thereby increasing employability
- support discussions concerning a dietetic standardized language
- support Life Long Learning for dietitians