In total nine virtual patient cases were developed. „The examples were based on real clinical cases, but are didactically prepared and further developed“, explains work package leader Andrea Werkman of the Hanzehogeschool in Groningen.
For each clinical case supportive teaching and training material for the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) was developed. This enhances the training and implementation of evidence-based practice in dietetic therapy based on the unified framework Dietetic Care Process. The training on the clinical case and the development of supportive teaching and training material (e.g. videos, quizzes, wikis) is worth 5 ECTS-credits.
Each partner developed at least one complex reviewed clinical case, the topics mainly focused on non communicable diseases (NCDs) since these are the major health concern in Europe, e.g.:
– endocrinology (e.g. diabetes, overweight, obesity)
– gastroenterology (e.g. coeliac disease, fructose/lactose malabsorption, …)
– oncology (e.g. breast cancer, colon cancer, …)
All partners used the clinical case development guideline, which can be accessed here:
Clinical Case Development Guidelines

End users are students and lecturers of nutrition and dietetics, as well as dietitians in Europe. Outcome are ten written virtual patient cases, based on the unified framework DCP, reviewed und underpinned with supporting materials. The clinical cases are implemented in the MOOC.
Supportive teaching and training material in form of two videos and format guidelines for medical and diet history have been created:
Video on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)
Video on Dietetic Diagnosis using the PAS-R statement format:
Client & medical history example:

The documents can be accessed here: