The syllabus is a didactic concept and outline for partner universities and other HEIs to implement the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in their own curriculum and/or teaching.
Within the syllabus the methods for the method of clinical case production, the use and application of the MOOC, the evaluation tools and the pedagogical training materials are presented as well as the use of the reviewed cases.
Analysis of all existing curricula for implementing a 5 ECTS online course was difficult, since all five Universities have different curricula. Finally, we could agree on offering the supervised and tutored MOOC over two semesters: MOOC Curriculum
The syllabus was published at the end of the project (September 2018) and can be found here:
Experts from Antwerp and St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences reviewed the syllabus, and we implemented the minor changes.
A final description of this intellectual output can be accessed here: Final_Report_WP06