This intellectual output developed tools and instruments for the learners/students to learn from their peers in a professional context. These tools were also highly useful for the production of clinical cases, for the Intensive Study Programmes (ISP) as well as for Life Long Learning. Moreover, webinars were organised to disseminate the results to the public. Furthermore, in this output the curricula for the two ISPs were developed.
- Research pedagogical training material
- Production of pedagocial training tools:
Template for reflective learning – Portfolio
Webinars for interactive discussions with students and dietitians:
- Presenting the IMPECD-Project
- 24th Free ENDietS webinar: The didactics of the IMPECD MOOC
- High tech, high touch personalized nutrition assessment: implementing technology into clinical practice
- The ISP week @ Antwerp
- Managing the discussion forum – Discussion forum guidelines
- Evaluation of the MOOC
Evaluation Learning Outcomes O4
- Design of the competence flower for IMPECD:

- Curriculum of the ISPs including Evaluation of the training/pedagogical material:
Programme_ISP_2017 & Evaluation ISP 2017
Programme ISP_2018 & Evaluation ISP 2018
You can find here the report on the Intellectual Ouptut O4: Final_Report_WP04