This intellectual output develops the tools and instruments to evaluate the skills that the learners/students have to achieve during the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). These tools are also highly useful for Life Long Learning.
Some of the tools produced will evaluate the content/knowledge of the framework of the Dietetic Care Process (DCP) and dietetic aspects of the clinical cases developed by self-evaluation of the content of the MOOC:
- quizzes,
- multiple choice questions,
- matching and ordering tasks
These tests and tasks are produced in an open SCORM format. The SCORM format is a technical standard for e-learning software, for easy implementation in the MOOC, but also for use in existing educational platforms such as Moodle and Blackboard.
Analysis for the development of evaluative tools: Report Analysis for the development of evaluative tools
Development of evaluative tools: Each clinical case in the MOOC consists of 15 evaluation questions, and additional questions on evidence based guidelines.

The evaluation questionnaire for the two ISPs were developed and can be accessed here:
Evaluation of evaluative tools:
A survey about the quality and needs for evaluative tools was conducted in line with O4 and O5: Survey Report O4 and O5
First testing has been done in June 2017 in Antwerp. Find out more about it here: First real-time testing in Antwerp, and students participating in this ISP were giving a Webinar in cooperation with ENDietS.
Programme ISP 2017 & Evaluation ISP 2017

The second testing was done in 2018 in Neubrandenburg with 25 students.
ISP Programme 2018 & Evaluation ISP 2018

You can find here the final report of Workpackage O5: Final_Report_WP05