MOOCs (pronounced Muugs) are open online courses and lectures usually with a large number of participants. These courses have for several years been used intensively by universities. For the dietetic training with virtual patients, a MOOC is being developed under the direction of Elisabeth Höld at the St. Poelten University of Applied Sciences.
In terms of lifelong learning this online course will be available for dieticians who have already completed their training. The Service and Competence Centre for Innovative Teaching and Learning (SKILL) and the Institute for Creative\Media /Technologies (IC\M /T) of the St. Poelten University of Applied Sciences support the scientific project team didactically and technically in developing the online course.

This Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is implemented as a toolset for decision based learning. It is used for gathering all learning contents developed within the project. It implements an environment for instance based learning using a decision tree to simulate a realistic framework Dietetic Care Process (DCP).
This tool was made available in June 2018 on this website – please click on „Online Course – get started“
Results of our workpackage can be found here:
Technical and Professional Requirements for this MOOC:
Summary requirements dietetics and engineering
Usability tests of the prototypes 2016 and 2017:
Final report Intellectual Output MOOC